
Lund University

Copy and scan

Copying will be charged, see the price list.

Scanning is free.

How to make copies


  1. Log in on the printer.
  2. Select copying via the touch screen.
  3. Don't forget to log out!


  1. Log in on the printer.
  2. Click on "Device functions" on the screen.
  3. Select the copy function via the physical buttons on the left.
  4. When you are done, press the lowest button on the left to find the log out option.

How to scan


  1. Log in on the printer.
  2. Select scanning via the touch screen.
  3. You can get the scan emailed to you or (on some printers) you can save it on a USB-memory.
  4. Don't forget to log out!
  • How to change the subject-line on the mail:
    Press "Alternativ", bottom right corner. Press arrow down to get to page two of the settings. Select "Ämne/meddelande"; there you can enter the subject.
  • You can only send the email to your own email adress.


  1. Log in on the printer.
  2. Click on "Device functions" on the screen.
  3. Select the scanning function via the physical buttons on the left.
  4. You can get your scans emailed to you. In some machines your email address is automatically available. In some older models you will have to enter it yourself (Click "Manual entry" or similar.)
  5. When you are done, press the lowest button on the left to find the log out option.